Foundation restoration

If your foundation is severely damaged, raising the house to pour a new foundation isn’t the only solution. In fact, for much less money, it’s often possible to restore your foundation by repairing the cracks and using an acrylic sealant to provide a waterproof barrier.

To do this, we first scrape the foundation, being careful not to compromise the structure of the building. Next, we fill in the cracks and apply several layers acrylic sealant.

No matter what type of restoration work you need, we guarantee results that are durable and esthetically pleasing!

restauration de fondation - avantrestauration de fondation - après
restauration de fondation - avantrestauration de fondation - après
restauration de fondation - avantrestauration de fondation - après
restauration de fondation - avantrestauration de fondation - après

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