Acrylic coating by Monsieur Crépi

For residential construction and renovation, Monsieur Crépi recommends acrylic coating for concrete finishing.

Acrylic coating has many advantages: it improves the impermeability of the building, it is the best protection for concrete and it gives it a long-lasting esthetic look to protect the foundation thus avoiding cracks and crumbling.

In fact, acrylic is the most resistant coating in bad weather conditions.

Acrylic coating is recommended when covering the outside of a house. Moreover, we are specialists in terms of concrete resurfacing: so, you can trust us!

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The products we use

At Monsieur Crépi we use ADEX acrylic coating for pargedwalls, brick, stucco or gypsum as well as concrete structures and there is only one reason for that!

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This high-quality coating is:

  • Cold and heat resistant
  • Long-lasting
  • Washable
resurfaçage d’escalier en béton avec crépi en acryliqueresurfaçage d’escalier en béton avec crépi en acrylique

Techniques we use

The quality of the product and the practicality combined with professional and experienced application techniques guarantees the success of the acrylic application.

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By covering the acrylic with the appropriate sealant, your structures will stand out and will be easy to maintain.

Acrylic coating is an esthetic and long-lasting coating. We follow the best standards in the industry.

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